Thursday, September 4, 2014

29 Faces September 2014 - Face 1 and 2

I have decided to participate in the 29 faces challenge created by Ayala Art.
29 faces was originally created in a leap year to celebrate the year with art.
29 faces in 29 days in February.
It's all about a FACE.

The idea is to gather up all your art supplies and to try something new to YOU!

It is time to play and not be afraid.

To be ready to mess up, fix up, practice and have a huge amount of fun while doing ART.

I am not sure if I will be able to keep up with this commitment every day for 29 days, but I give it a try.

The only way I have any chance to create 29 faces in 29 days is to create a face quickly in not too much time.  Generally when I draw a face I can easily spend a long time on it.
So my challenge is to create a face in a limited amount of time as well as using mediums, methods and elements I normally would not use a lot.

Through my blog posts I will share with you the faces I have created and the challenges I have faced using different methods and mediums and what I have learned from each experience whilst creating a face.

Here we go:

Face 1:

One of my first faces I ever drew that I was really proud of, is when I was a teenager and created a face with  charcoal.  I have not used charcoal for years.  So I went looking around my supplies to see if I could find some.  I could not find my original charcoal I had as a teenager, but I found a packet with charcoal pencils, charcoal sticks, a blending stump, and 2 different type of rubbers.  First I had a go at sharpening the charcoal pencils.  But I was not successful.  Every time the point would break.  So I decided to just use the charcoal sticks only, to draw with.  I got out an A3 piece of printer paper.  So nice cheap paper and cheap art supplies (little packet was from a thrift shop - probably explains the breakage of the charcoal pencil).  
I drew this without any reference to look at.  Just a quick sketch to loosen up.
I enjoyed drawing on a larger scale as I would usually (A4 or A5).
Drawing on A3 with a large stick of charcoal gave me a nice free feeling.  I loved just sketching without any expectations.  Using the A3 paper allowed me to draw a larger face as I would normally draw and I experienced that because of this I was now drawing more from the shoulder instead of my hand.  
I will definitely start drawing larger on A3 paper more often from now onwards.  I managed to draw this face in approximately 15-20 minutes.  

So I drew another one:

Face 2: 

I used the same art supplies and A3 printer paper.  I feel working large is a great way to loosen up and leave my tendency of wanting to create in detail behind.

I am looking forward to see what else I will learn on the way creating 29 faces.  If you are participating in this challenge as well.  Please leave a comment and let me know what you are discovering on the way.

Here are my 2 drawings together with the supplies I used:



  1. oh i love your girls Angelique..! especially their so pretty... amazing work with charcoal ..i always struggle so you should really do a tutorial ..cant wait to see more..! :))

    1. Thank you Minerva for your nice encouragement. I was surprised myself what I was able to draw in 15 minutes and with a big chunkie charcoal stick. Drawing with pencils is more in my comfort zone as I feel I have more control over that medium. When I started drawing today with this chunky piece of charcoal I had no expectations of drawing something that would even look okay, so I surprised myself when the end result was not too bad.

  2. Looking gorgeous so far! They're both very pretty, soft and sweet. Lovely! I still have to get a move on on my 29 faces. I forgot it was on again.

  3. Beautiful! Your portraits look angelic. You inspire me to work more with charcoal.

  4. Beautiful drawings! I like Your rythmical lines.

  5. Lovely faces Angelique, a little sad though, but it makes them even more beautiful xxx

  6. Very pretty girls Angelique. Looking forward to more of your work.

  7. They're both very nice drawings. I admire you for drawing so big, I need to try that one day. Painting large is okay with me, but I've never attempted to draw at that scale. So thank you for the inspiration. :)

  8. Great start Angelique! This is one of my favorite challenges, and I'm sad that I can't participate this time. I will in February though :-) I have some charcoal pencils too, and had the same problem as you with sharpening them. I think you're supposed to sharpen them in a different way, with a sandpaper or something.

  9. They're both enchanting. The second one looks a bit mystical with her big, dark eyes.

  10. Thank you everyone for taking the time to visit my blog and follow my first time ever participating in the 29 faces challenge. I was so surprised to find so many comments today, as I did not expect anyone to come over and visit so soon. You have all inspired me to keep creating more faces. Thank you.
