Sunday, July 6, 2014

Water colour flowers

Step 1:
Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:


  1. Love this piece!! The colours are so cheerful and the composition is great. Impress with the brightness of the watercolours! Whenever I use watercolours they tend to look quite washed out.

    1. Hi Iris, thank you so much for visiting my blog. The watercolours are the Peerless water colors from Jane Davenport. When I was doing her' supplies me' online course, lots of people where using them in their art works creating art with beautiful colours. So I spoiled myself and also purchased them from her store: I have not used them yet very much, but got them out the other week to create this piece. I was also very happy with the result of the colours. I am new to using water colours, that's why I had not used them that much yet. I am still experimenting with what you can do with them.

  2. Dana, thank you so much for visiting and your nice comment.

  3. Beautiful ... Love seeing all the different stages. And the colours are so vibrant ...

    1. Thank you Denise, I love vibrant colours. It is the use of vibrant colours in your art work that I admire so much about your paintings.
